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VR Goggles

Mohd Shafiq's Bio

I am a creative, analytical person and always hungry to learn more about my craft and trade. I really enjoy working with people and tackling all the problems and challenges that come my way on a day-to-day basis. I have graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from NUS. Check out my Github for my projects!

Chip Probing

My Projects

Self initiated and school projects

I do whatever it takes to solve problems and come up with innovative solutions. Over the years i have honed my skills in the electronics field by building projects and self- learning engineering concepts

LPC1769 Car Project

This project is a perfect example of how hardware programming can be used in daily life. The project simulated a smart car, implemented with interrupts, temperature, light sensor and accelerometers on the EA baseboard. This project is part of an NUS module, EE2024

NUS Makerthon 2020

Me and my team developed a panic attack sensor for the the theme "Enhancing Social Interaction". The sensor used an Arduino UNO,Bluetooth module HC-06 and Grove Heartbeat sensor

Tiva C Series TM4C123G

This project is a great example of how i love to self learn and experiment with hardware. This project was mainly used to learn Assembly Language and C.

EE2020 Signal Generator

As part of my Digital Electronics Module E2020, I came up with a signal generator using the Basys 3 FPGA board. The project is done in verilog and the code is available on Github.


Completed the course outlined in the book "Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design" by Rob Toulson and Tim Wilmhurst

Micro: Bit Car

I made this project for Maker Faire 2018 while completing my Industrial attachment. This project used the BBC Micro:bit as the micro controller. A game was designed such that students would use a remote control to navigate and obstacle course and pick up 'treasures' which were magnets.

Micro:bit Obstacle Course

During my internship with Tinkercademy, i assisted in building a timed obstacle course using BBC Micro:bit for the company's exhibition at Young Maker's Fiesta 2018. The obstacle course required participants to shoot targets around the cardboard course in the shortest time. When implementing this project i learnt about implementing robust communication systems and about TCP/IP protocols.

Programming Languages

C and C++

For Arduino, LPC1769, LPC1768


EE2020 Digital Electronics

Assembly Language



numpy, scipy, and Python for FYP project


Software Projects

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